
one year

What do I love:
1. Babies. 
2. Millet, rather unexpectedly. 
3. Fantastic fabric selections, and tailors
4. Teranga (hospitality)
5. My Senegalese family
6. My Peace Corps family
7. Ice. It has become the most amazing thing in my life
8. Working in my garden, i.e. getting anything to grow here
9. Crowds of children rushing up to me as I return to village, chanting my name, taking my bags, asking how I am, bringing me cold water, holding my name. Livin' the dream here. 
10. Babies. Again, awesome. 

What I don't love:
1. Babies. (read: pooping everywhere, screaming tantrums, fighting, hitting each other...)
2. The far, back middle seat of a sept place, shoved between two ceeb mamas
3. Fish bones. 
4. Stinging ants. 
5. Swass (sweaty ass, swamp ass)
6. The dust
7. The heat
8. The humidity
9. The sun. 
10. No iced coffee. 

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